About Me

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia
In 2006 we joined the Gilberts on Coulis and enjoyed it so much that Russel decided that we need to buy our own boat and start our own adventures. So in 2007 we headed for the Netherlands in search of our dream boat.

09 September 2011

After Paris

We left Paris with Barb and Jean Loup and headed up the Seine staying at Lagny,Melun and finally staying at Montereau for a few days where we had a changed of guest. Barb and John North joined us a few hours after Barb and Jean Loup left. This gave me just enough time to do the washing.

The trip up the Seine was very picturesque and there were some great places to stop.

Some of the houses we saw along the Seine

Russel in Montereau

Our fair well dinner in Montereau

Whilst moored at Montereau we were hit by a barge that came into moore next to us. Russel was
standing on the jetty waiting for the rope and realised that the barge couldn’t get round and tried to tell the captain, but  to no avail. He hit us at the back and now we have a few dents to fix next year. He was a Candian and very upset about it. Russel and he settled so there was noinsurance involvement.

With about an hour between guests Barb and John North arrived. we left Montereau the next day and sailed up the Yonne. Once again it was very picturesque with some great little French towns to explore.

We also enjoyed a few bike rides with the North's.

The water reflexions were fabulous. I could hardly tell the difference from the river and the sky.

Joingy was just gorgeous, but the hills were impossible to ride up.

We finally arrived in Auxerre after 3 months, 3 countries,180 engine hours and 150 ecluses. (Locks)

Auxerre is a beautiful French town and we have lots of exploring to do next year. we ran out of time this year as we had plenty to do in the 2 days we had left.

We were very disappointed that we couldn't get Arcturus out of the water, as the boss was away and not due back for a few days. So typically for this holiday we woke up to a cold wet morning when we said goodbye for the year.

Below is a picture of Arcturus waiating to go into the hall.

so goodbye until next year when our adventure will continue.

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